Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Tribute - Wedding Programme

Rainer and Trevor, oh what a pair,
moving through life with drama and flair.
Supporting and loving, together they’re one.
That’s how it should be, and what it’s become.

Our Rainer shines bright, like a gem in the sky;
leader of people in life and in style.
He’s heart and he’s truth, a true visionaire,
for all of the Arts and the youth in his care.

Trevor’s light is insightful;
has the knowledge of all ages,
Graceful and interested,
his voice could fill up the pages
of truth and of love, peace and goodwill to all,
he’d carry the injured across the dance floor hall.

So many more years together you’ll have,
through the thick and the thin,
the good hair and the bad.
You both liven my life as you liven so many,
you’re blessed and you’re beautiful,
to the envy of many.
So here’s to the two of you,
new life and new friends.
Your hearts beat as one
I know till the end.

- Christine Filipowich

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