Saturday, September 18, 2010

Guest Book Entries

Dear Rainer and Trevor,
For tonight you have rekindled love, inspired love, shown love, shared love, epitomized love, and defined love…
But then again…
You do that everyday.
Thank you for that.
Love Always,
Kerry Ann

Dear Rainer and Trevor,
I love you both so very much. Rainer – for your beautiful soul, your ability to do what is right no matter the circumstances. Trevor – for teaching me about love and acceptance in a way like no other. Thank you for your open love policy – I am so very lucky. God bless you. Rainer – your mom is watching you and is bursting with love and pride.
Ever yours,

Dear Rainer and Trevor,
I love you both. Your love is beautiful, and an inspiration. The words you have spoken today are a testament to the wisdom, joy, and love you carry in your soul. I will ALLways love you both, and be ther for both of you when in need. There is magic in our lives, and it is in the love we share with friends and partners. Braver & courage conquer all, you know that, it is what you have done and will continue to do.

Dear Rainer and Trevor,
Of the many beautiful things in this world, your love and the celebration there of is unparalleled. Live loving in such a fashion that no matter what may come to pass, it is your happiness that is of utmost importance.
Love and gratitude,

Dear Rainer and Trevor,
You are both a breath – no, a steady wind – of fresh ideas, fresh inspirations, and new perspectives in my life. I am continually inspired by the choices you make and I believe choosing each other is the most inspired choice yet.

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