Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to Plan Dancing and Music

Whether you plan to have dancing or not, you'll probably want to have some kind of music at your wedding reception - even if it's only from a phonograph. Almost any popular tunes or old standards are appropriate at a wedding reception, but jazz and rock 'n' roll are not in the best taste. If you're fond of "Here Comes the Bride", have them play it as you enter the room. Also be sure to specify what you want played while you cut the cake. Otherwise, the musicians may play "The Bride Cuts the Cake" (to the tune of "Farmer in the Dell").

"It's Now or Never" (Elvis Presley)
- A Rhumba -

The only reason Rainer would ever take a dance lesson would be for Trevor. Thank you Karen!!!

All suggested guidelines for behaviour in attendance reprinted from the New and Revised Bride's Book of Etiquette, copyright 1948.

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