Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tottering Biped Theatre - Welcome

Welcome to Trevor's amazing new theatre company, Tottering Biped Theatre.

The name of the company was inspired by an influential study on the human movement and development, P. Tobias' ''Man, the Tottering Biped: The Evolution of Posture, Poise and Skill.'' Tobias' theme is that, in terms of evolution and the body, humans have not actually completed the process of being fully 'bipedal' or two-legged. We are in mid-process, transitioning, incomplete; we are structurally premature to execute the basic motor functions of living.

It's a thought that seized me in its total its total relevance: we are in mid-process. Nothing about our identities, relationships. or ways of being are finished, articulated, and reliable - we live in the world of 'becoming.'

This is a theatre devoted to evolving.

Trevor Copp

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