Saturday, September 18, 2010

Responses to the Wedding - Greetings from Afar


I have just spent the last HOUR looking at your photos of all, I cried, then I melted with envy, then I just felt the warmth of pure happiness fill me. I was truly infected with the joy of your wedding and can say I have never seen such incredibly lavish, glamorous, unbelievably beautiful, and wonderful passionate wedding photos. Please give my warmest wishes of congrats to Rainer too. I am SOOOOOO happy for you. It seriously looked like the party to top all parties.

Let’s not lose touch my friend. Sending you the biggest of wedding kisses.

Love Andrea

P.S. You looked super hot in your dance get up baby!!!

Hey there Trevor.

Thanks for sending me the Pics of the wedding they look absolutely fabulous. Everyone looked happy and beautiful especially the happy couple. I’m so proud of you guys. I know when my Mom and Michelle got married I felt what a big milestone to be part of knowing now that anyone can get married to whomever they choose is a big change in our country and it’s nice that people aren’t afraid to take that step and say “Hey, we don’t care what other’s think, only what’s in our hearts and the hears around us.” You could say it’s one big step for love and one giant step for humanity.

Lots of Love, Dave Popowich

P.S. Sorry I couldn’t be there on your special day.

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